02.120.0851: Blank at Bearing Wall – Top of Wall

02.120.0851: Blank at Bearing Wall - Top of Wall This detail shows a precast concrete plank bearing at the top of an exterior CMU wall. The wall has horizontal joint reinforcement at 16" o.c. vertically. The plank has continuous reinforcement and grout at the keyways, tying the floor to the wall with bent bars. The [...]

02.120.0752: Plank at Bearing Wall – Interior Wall, Intermediate Elev.

02.120.0752: Plank at Bearing Wall - Interior Wall, Intermediate Elev. This detail shows a precast concrete plank bearing at an interior CMU wall. The wall has horizontal joint reinforcement at 16" o.c. vertically. The plank has continuous reinforcement and grout at the keyways, and the floor bears on an interior CMU bond beam. The wall [...]

02.120.0713: Floor Connection Detail – Option 3

02.120.0713: Floor Connection Detail - Option 3 This hybrid masonry and steel floor connection detail shows a composite floor deck supported by open web steel joists bearing on a steel beam supported by a CMU wall as part of the hybrid masonry and steel structural system. DOWNLOAD DETAILDynamic 3D Detail Explore Detail

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